I can’t believe how quickly summer 2021 flew by. I don’t know about you, but we finished school, blinked and it was time for our family vacation. We blinked and that was over and then blinked again and we were buying school supplies. Praying that fall goes a little bit slower, although I am already watching Christmas movies in case you are wondering where my head is at.

Back to the usual (or not so usual!) fall breakfasts. You want to make sure you and your kids are getting sufficient protein to carry you through to lunch time. The more vitamins/minerals the better. We are going with health first and speed second on weekday mornings in this house. I always wake my kids up on the earlier side so there is plenty of time to drink their lemon water, have breakfast and have a relaxed morning even though we inevitably run out the door in a hurry.

Some rotation regulars for inspiration:
-Protein/Greens smoothies (recipe coming, but so many great combos!)
-1/2 cup cottage cheese (14g protein) on piece of Dave’s Killer bread toast (3g protein) with cinnamon and seasonal fruit on the side
-Eggs (6g protein per egg). Hard or soft boiled, scrambled with spinach and mushrooms, fried with some sliced avocado/tomato on toast, egg in a hole for fun with some fermented veggies on the side…
-Oatmeal with frozen berries and cinnamon. Toppings on the side for the family to add as desired- sliced underripe banana (resistant starch, fiber!) or other fruit, ground flax/chia, family favorite nuts. We usually go with walnuts or almonds.
-Underripe banana (or apple) with almond butter, ground flax/chia, walnuts.
-Greek Yogurt bowls with seasonal fruit, granola, ground chia/flax and nuts.
-Kodiak Protein waffles with fresh fruit.
-Portion of frozen or pre-prepped Frittata.

AgeDaily Protein Recommendation
2-3 yrs13 grams
4-8 yrs19 grams
9-13 yrs34 grams
Girls/Women 14+46 grams
Boys 14-18 yrs52 grams
Men 19+56 grams
USDA Dietary Guidelines Protein Intake by Age

These protein recommendations are for “average” bodies. Talk to your nutrition consultant, nutritionist or doctor. When working out daily you will want to increase your protein intake.

Underripe (Greenish) Banana with raw almond butter, ground flax/chia and walnuts.

I hope you and your family have a great start to the new school year. I will pray that you are all safe and healthy!

Let me know what types of breakfast you and your family enjoy that we might add to our rotation!

US Department of Agriculture and US Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th Edition. December 2020.

About Julie Parkis

About Julie Parkis

Mom, MBA, Yogi, CIA grad and food enthusiast looking to share knowledge of food/cooking and general wellness information.

I am happiest in the kitchen with people who love food as much as I do!


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