Appetizers, Brunch, Customizable Recipes, Dinners, Family Recipes, Gluten free, Kid meals, Leftover Inspiration, Lunch, Nut free, Protein packed, Quesadillas, Snacks, Tips and Tricks, Vegetarian
Quesadillas are such a kid-friendly dinner, they have become a 2x/month staple. The best thing about quesadillas is that you can make so many variations and the whole family loves them!Last week I had zucchini in my CSA box, it will be my challenge all summer to...
Appetizers, Ask Mama J, Breakfast, Brunch, Culinary School Jules, Customizable Recipes, Dinners, Gluten free, Kid meals, Lunch, Nut free, Pantry Heroes, Pescatarian, Tips and Tricks, Vegetarian
At The CIA we learned to make Maître d’hôtel butter which is what this is, but as an Italian-American I will call it compound butter! Compound butter is a great way to add flavor to so many dishes! It is also a great way to preserve fresh herbs. You can...
Appetizers, Brunch, Customizable Recipes, Dinners, Family Recipes, Kid meals, Leftover Inspiration, Lunch, Nut free, Quesadillas, Snacks, Tips and Tricks, Vegetarian
Food waste is something that I am always trying to find ways to avoid. This weekend we had a family barbecue and half of the people cancelled within the last two days. We were left with lots of leftovers! Things that I had to work with: cooked cheeseburgers, corn on...
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