Onions are amazing raw or cooked. Caramelizing onions pulls out the natural sugars and browning those sugars creates the other worldly flavor of caramelization. You can make a small batch (that is what this recipe is for) or a giant batch (my largest was 60lbs., pictures below!). You can make it the day you are using them or you can plan ahead and hold them for a few days in the refrigerator.

I never realized how often I reuse my bacon pans until I started recording my recipes. For this batch of caramelized onions I used the bacon pan from the morning and they were the best caramelized onions I have ever had.

So, general rule in my kitchen… Whenever I make bacon whether it is in a sauté pan or a sheet pan I always strain, cool and save the fat for later uses. I keep the pan used to cook the bacon, in case that pan can be used for something later in the day such as the beginning of a Versatile Bolognese sauce, Caramelized Onions or a Roasted Chicken and Potato dinner. The fond is priceless!

Satué Pan
Wooden Spoon

3 large onions, thinly sliced
3T fat of your choice
Optional Seasoning- Thyme bundle, Vinegar

1. Heat your fat in the sauté pan, then add onions. Cook/stir those onions over low heat. Be patient, it will take 45-60 minutes so plan to get some other things done in the kitchen during this time! You can hit these with a splash of vinegar to elevate the flavor at any point and season with salt to taste when completely browned.

100% grass-fed burgers topped with sharp cheddar and caramelized onion.

Some ways to use caramelized onions:
Burger topping
Sandwich topping
Pizza topping
Appetizer Garnish (thinking crostini with gorgonzola, fig and caramelized onions)
Steak topping
Quiche add-in
Pasta mix-in

Now I’ve made myself hungry.

Let me know if you try this, how it came out and what you used it on.

Happy Cooking!

About Julie Parkis

About Julie Parkis

Mom, MBA, Yogi, CIA grad and food enthusiast looking to share knowledge of food/cooking and general wellness information.

I am happiest in the kitchen with people who love food as much as I do!


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